Gemtera | Gemmy - Clear & Colorful® - Lifestyle and Home Products.

Hidden Gems of San Diego

Zaneta BeckmanComment

Hello, San Diego!

We are a locally-grown body care company, and, as such, we like to celebrate the rare beauty of the Finest City that gave us our start: San Diego.   We love to make locally-inspired creations, like our new cool blue Ocean Wave body bar, with real sea salt, and shaped like a major barrel out of Wind-and-Sea beach, or our Motor Oil Soap, celebrating the tricked-out, hot rod car culture so prominent in Southern California.  As our name implies, we look to these rare gems for inspiration.

Last Sunday, at the Yelp! FIT Club Post-Party, we asked attendees to help us discover more hidden gems of San Diego!  Dozens of revelers told us their underappreciated places, activities and other things that make San Diego unique and colorful, on our Big Board of Hidden Gems.  Thanks very much to everyone for participating, and making this such a fun feature at the event!  If you couldn’t make it, but would like to chime in, please e-mail us your own “hidden gem” ideas by June 7th.  Just write us anything that you love about San Diego, that you think deserves more attention. 

At the end of the Month, we’ll select at least one of your suggestions as the inspiration for a new product, and announce our decision right here!  Anyone who contributes will get full credit for helping us create a new product, and we’ll send you some of the product created.  You can pick up at a nearby location to be announced, such as our weekly Pacific Beach Farmer’s Market appearances.  

We’ll also post a full list of the Hidden Gems of San Diego, according to everyone, with links to help everyone discover something new and exciting in our hometown!  For now, here is a shot of the Big Board of Hidden Gems, with active links for each of your amazing, hidden gem ideas!

Big Board of Hidden Gems of San Diego.  Yelp! FIT Club Post-Party.

Stay tuned . . .


Zaneta & Chris


PS: Thanks very much to Trish S. for helping us with the Yelp! API, to link many of the locations, and for her excellent help with this interactive project!  Thanks also to Andy for his very cool, quite literally hidden gem suggestion – Sunny Jim`s Cave in La Jolla, tucked away in a cavernous overhang, out of sight in La Jolla Cove.